Our History
Wells & Associates was founded by Larry T. Wells with a vision to create a professional environment with a legal team sincerely interested in knowing their client. In essence the Wells & Associates team is a “business family” which shares the vision of a small town approachable service to all its clients.
If we can’t help you ….. let us direct you to someone who can. Wells & Associates has spent time building a professional referral system
Larry Wells
After a successful career in global surveying Larry returned to school and graduated from Law School in 1992. He was awarded a scholarship and recognized for academic and community legal services by Prince Charles in 1992. His practise has taken him to the NWT, Ontario and Alberta.
Early in his legal career Larry quickly recognized that his clients could best be served through negotiation not litigation. To Larry it provided a win-win for all parties – hence his continued training and learning found Larry becoming a skilled mediator.

Further education and training eventually found Larry becoming deeply involved wherever possible in the field of Restorative Justice. Restorative Justice heals our community, provides closure for both the victim and the offender. It removes the pain from the experience as a mutual impact and understanding of the situation occurs.
When asking Larry how long he has been married he will always reply “not long enough” which brings a quick and ready smile to his wife Linda. Larry and Linda are proud of their three children, all whom are fluent in French, have black belts in Karate (2 of whom are National Champions and one international champion). Their favourite son-in-law, also a martial artist, rounds up their numbers nicely.